My Accounting Now Blog

At My Accounting Now, we believe in empowering business owners with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive. Our blog serves as a resource hub, offering insights into critical aspects of business finance, from effective bookkeeping practices to strategic tax planning. By staying informed and proactive, business owners can avoid common pitfalls and leverage financial strategies to fuel their growth and success.

Check Your Tax Withholding

Check Your Tax Withholding


A taxpayer's filing status determines its options during year-end tax filing. Take the time to notify the Social Security Administration of any name changes completing Form SS-5 and to request a new Social Security Card

Home energy credits

Home energy credits


Through December 31, 2022, the energy efficient home improvement credit is a $500 lifetime credit. As amended by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the energy efficient home improvement credit is increased for years after 2022, with an annual credit of generally up to $1,200.

Alternative fuel credits

Alternative fuel credits


If you install qualified vehicle refueling and recharging property in your home or business, you may be eligible for the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Tax Credit. The credit was extended and modified by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The credit allowed is based on the placed-in-service date for the qualifying property. The credit is...