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by in Bookkeeping, Interviews

Making a productive 2022: Advice from one of our clients & CEO of Impact Glass Services.

We know that our businesses need a guide during its beginnings and be able to feed from their ideas or experiences so we can implement and adapt them to make them successful in our work environment. For this reason, we want to let you know a little about our interviewee today Mr. Juan Carlos Llinás who is an entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience in the glass industry. His expertise focuses on the sale, handling, installation, repair and maintenance of impact-resistant glass and glazing products. Among other business qualities, the company’s commitment to each client to provide them with the best service and the best experience in the market can be highlighted. Their resilience while facing adversity has shown the tenacity not only of this company but of those who lead it. 

by in Bookkeeping

When to outsource your bookkeeping?

Is it time to outsource my accounting? Am I keeping my books correctly, or do I need professional advice? Do I have the knowledge and time to manage my accounting processes?  These are some questions you may ask yourself as an entrepreneur when the expected financial results cannot be obtained. When it is time to contact a professional to take care of your company’s accounting?

by in Bookkeeping

Why to keep your Bookkeeping up to date?

Accounting in business plays a vital role, it includes everything from a small account to the most complex processes of a company and is key for any aspect of its strategic growth. Understanding and distinctly see the accounting status of your business, will allow you to make strategic decisions resulting in the strengthening and economic growth of your capital. Accounting is the base that allows any company to have control of its expenses and income, to learn the origin of the expenses, where the income should be directed and how to manage the company’s money. 

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    Our primary goal is to deliver up-to-date accurate accounting information and financial reports in a timely manner to take corrective actions fast if needed. We also help our client’s gain control of their business with an understanding of their financial reports.

    We create a healthy, customer-oriented organization that will exceed your expectations.


    North Miami. Broward. Miami Dade


    +1 786 228 86 89